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Transparent Mono-Chrome Cable

MaXimus Headphone Cable Anatomy = TMC²

       Patented "Transparent Mono-Chrome Cable" (TMC²) design construction begins with Cardas pure copper litz conductors treated with Liquid Armor. Conductors are woven together and again treated with Liquid Armor after each phase of assembly(total of 5 coats). This ensures a "slippery" high-gloss finish with superior anti-static properties that reduce cable's ability to store energy. Woven cable is then encapsulated in a rugged transparent Cross-Linked Polyolefin outer shell that is solvent resistant. Connections are soldered with Cardas Ultra Pure Silver Quad-Eutectic(tin/lead/silver/copper) solder. All connections are then coated with Caig DeoxIT Gold to prevent any oxidation and preserve highest sonic integrity.


If you love your music... if you love your music even more when it is reproduced to the highest sonic level possible...

Unleash its full potential with MaXimus!!!

MaXimus Cable

Aphrodite Cu29 "Goddess of Sound"