Why don't headphone manufacturers use the best cables available on their products? It's not cost effective(would price themselves out of market) and your average consumer will not be able to appreciate high-end cable performance. We all know individuals who cannot hear the difference between iBuds(stock earbuds supplied with iPod) and any other headphone available on the open market. I say any other, because I have not heard anything else that sounds worse . Anyone who has used the "cheap" RCA cables supplied with their new CD/DVD player and then replaced them with high-quality RCA's remembers that WOW moment when you heard and/or saw everything you had previously been missing!!!
All stock headphone cables use 27AWG(.102mm²) wire or smaller. Translation = MaXimus 215L with 21.5AWG(.410mm²) cable has 4X the surface conductance area(wire cross-section), 25% the electrical resistance of a stock cable and uses the highest purity copper!!! To my ears this equates to at least 10X+ the sonic performance of any lowly stock cable. Now, Behold the MaXimus 195L... it's constructed with 19.5AWG(.653mm²) Cardas pure copper litz wire... That's over 6.5X the surface conductance area and only 15% the electrical resistance of a stock cable!!! Not mention the fact that most of these stock cables only use 3 conductors!!! 1-left channel, 1-right channel and 1-shared ground wire. All MaXimus cables are constructed using patented "Transparent Mono-Chrome Cable" (TMC²) design with 4 conductors(left, right & dedicated left/right ground). Wondering about MaXimus Overdrive??? With 17.5AWG(1.04mm²) Cardas pure copper litz wire... it boasts an impressive 10X the surface conductance area and only 9% the electrical resistance of a stock cable!!!

If you love your music... if you love your music even more when it is reproduced to the highest sonic level possible...
Unleash its full potential with MaXimus!!!
17.5AWG Cardas Pure Copper Litz
19.5AWG Cardas Pure Copper Litz
21.5AWG Cardas Pure Copper Litz
