Furutech Silver Arrows
Pure Silver Tonearm Cable

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1.2 Meter Silver Arrows Tonearm Cable
w/Angle DIN - $1970.00
(Silver Arrows-12L Angle DIN)
1.2 Meter Silver Arrows Tonearm Cable
w/Straight DIN - $1970.00
(Silver Arrows-12 Straight DIN)
1.2 Meter Silver Arrows Tonearm Cable
RCA to RCA - $2050.00
(Silver Arrows-R4 RCA to RCA)
La Grande Épreuve
Grand Prix racing‘s single focus: Testing the absolute limits of technology and performance. Furutech builds each and every cable in their line the same way. Optimized engineering solutions applied to advanced materials and processes with utterly meticulous build quality for the ultimate test.
Phono cartridge output is vanishingly small and easily polluted by RFI and EMI. Every element of signal transfer must be perfectly engineered to avoid distortion that robs music of life. If you’re going to the trouble of playing vinyl why swamp the low-level signal in a veritable soup of noisy distortion right at its source!
All enthusiasts are looking for the same qualities: Verisimilitude to the original event, a sense of engagement promoting suspension of disbelief, an immersion in audio and video experience. To engage without effort requires meticulous preparation of the entire playback chain especially including cables and most importantly at the signal source.
The Silver Arrows Pure Silver Phono Cable achieves its remarkably quiet soundstage and transparent presentation with pure silver conductors, four-layer shielding and external ground wire, even a specially engineered cable clamp to improve grip and avoid any potential distortion.
Silver Arrows Tonearm Cable Features
• α (Alpha) Pure Silver Conductors
• Three-layer shielding for improved noise insulation
• Four-way grounding and external ground wire
• Insulation/Dielectric: Special-grade air-foamed polyethylene
• Connectors: Furutech-engineered rhodium-plated Carbon and Stainless finished CF-DIN connector or L-DIN connector and CF-102(R) α (Alpha) OCC RCA connectors
• Carefully engineered cable clamp improves grip and reduces mechanical and
electrically-induced distortion
• Dimensions: Cable diameter approx. 10.8mm
• Overall length: 1.2M/set

Furutech La Source 101
Pure Silver Lead Wire

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La Source High End Performance Lead Wire
(La Source 101)
Furutech La Source 102
Pure Silver Hardshell Leads

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La Source High End Performance Hardshell Connectors
(La Source 102)
La Grande Épreuve
Grand Prix racing‘s single focus: Testing the absolute limits of technology and performance for that final 10th of a second that makes the difference between victory and defeat. Furutech builds each and every cable in their line the same way; optimized engineering solutions applied to advanced materials and processes, backed by utterly meticulous build quality.
Phono cartridge output is vanishingly small and easily polluted by RFI and EMI. Every element of signal transfer must be perfectly engineered to avoid distortion that robs music of life. If you’re going to the trouble of playing vinyl why swamp the low-level signal in a veritable soup of noisy distortion right at its source!
All enthusiasts are looking for the same qualities: Verisimilitude to the original event, a sense of engagement promoting suspension of disbelief, an immersion in audio and video experience. To engage without effort requires meticulous preparation of the entire playback chain especially including cables and most importantly at the signal source. Grand Prix racing‘s single focus: Testing the absolute limits of technology and performance. Furutech builds each and every cable in their line the same way. Optimized engineering solutions applied to advanced materials and processes with utterly meticulous build quality for the ultimate test.
La Source101
• α (Alpha) pure silver conductors,0.16mm x7pc strand wire (26 AWG)
• α (Alpha) phosphor bronze rhodium-plated special designed terminal
• Teflon insulation OD: 1.0mm approx.
• Dimensions: Approx 2.5±0.1mm diameter x 43.5± 0.5mm overall length
La Source 102
• α (Alpha) pure silver conductors, 0.16mm x 7 pcs strand wire (26 AWG)
• α (Alpha) phosphor bronze rhodium-plated special design terminal
• Male contact pin insulated with Teflon for complete safety.
• Female terminal contact reign: 1.0~1.2mm Dia. Pin
• Male terminal: 1.2mm outside diameter
• Teflon insulation OD.:1.0mm approx.
• Dimensions: Approx 2.5±0.1mm diameter x 23.5± 0.5mm overall length

Furutech AG-12 Tonearm Cable

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1.2 Meter Tonearm Cable w/Angle DIN - $602.00
(AG-12L Tonearm Cable w/adj Angle DIN)
1.2 Meter Tonearm Cable w/Straight DIN - $544.00
(AG-12 Tonearm Cable w/Straight DIN)
1.2 Meter Tonearm Cable RCA to RCA - $544.00
(AG-12R4 Tonearm Cable RCA to RCA)
Furutech’s Award-Winning Pure Transmission Build Quality
The sense of mechanical integrity of the Ag-12 Phono cable’s build is immediately apparent. Furutech Pure Transmission technology turns a macro lens on every element of power and signal transfer applying optimized engineering solutions to well-known problems such as contact resistance, grounding, EMI and RFI rejection, and using the best materials and processes available.
Meticulous attention to build quality is a large part of the engineering equation: Rhodium-plated nonmagnetic pure-copper and phosphor bronze fittings, Furutech’s silver-plated Alpha μ-Conductors with four-layer shielding, and beautifully engineered rhodium-plated DIN and RCA connectors [FP-126(R)]. All metal parts are subjected to the deep cryogenic and demagnetizing Alpha Process.
The Critics Speak!
“I don’t know if the Furutech Ag-12 is the best phono cable on the market, but it's the best I've heard, a fact made all the more meaningful by its mid-level price. It's one of the phono cables to beat, and it's affordable to boot.”
-- Marc Mickelson, Soundstage.com
“The award for best performance and highest build quality at the lowest price goes to the Furutech AG-12.”
--- Michael Fremer, Stereophile July 2009 Vol.32 No.7
“If, like me, you appreciate taking many sonic steps forward and no steps backward, you’ll want to give these components a try.”
-- Chris Martens, The Absolute Sound
“If I had to limit myself to one key term … I'd opt for relaxed ultra resolution. … The sense of big simply gets bigger and bigger and bigger. … Tolerances are spot on … something luxurious and silken about the Furutech connectors.
--Srajan Ebaen, 6moons.com
• α (Alpha) silver-plated μ-OFC Conductor
• 4-layer shield construction for improved noise insulation
• Main Insulation/dielectric: Air-foamed polyethylene
• Furutech-engineered rhodium-plated FP-126(R) Alpha-OCC RCA connectors
• Furutech-engineered rhodium-plated DIN or L-DIN and FP-126(R) Alpha-OCC RCA connectors
• The best damping and insulation materials for improved frequency extension and tonal balance
• Carefully engineered cable clamp improves grip and reduces mechanical and
electrically-induced distortion
• Dimensions: Cable diameter ~9.5mm
• Overall length: 1.2M/set
High-End Performance
Furutech Phono DIN Connectors
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Phono DIN Connector Straight - $106.00
(FP-DIN Rhodium)
Phono DIN Connector Angle - $128.00
(FP-DIN(L) Rhodium)
Specially engineered FP-Din (L) construction allows adjustable pin orientation!
Furutech Pure Transmission Philosophy
Meticulous build quality is a large part of the engineering equation. Furutech Pure Transmission technology turns a macro lens on every element of power and signal transfer applying optimized engineering solutions to well-known problems such as contact resistance, EMI and RFI rejection, grounding, and using the best materials and processes available.
Phono DIN Features
• Rhodium-plated α (Alpha) phosphor bronze conductor
• Teflon Insulated Body
• Nonmagnetic stainless steel housing
• Soldered connections
• Specified for cable diameters max. 10.0mm
• Dimensions: FP-DIN • 14.0mm diameter x 54.0mm overall length
• FP-DIN(L) • 45(L) X 19(W) X 33.4(H) mm approx.
Furutech Monza LP Stabilizer

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Monza LP Stabilizer - $595.00
La Grande Épreuve
Grand Prix racing‘s single focus: Testing the absolute limits of technology and performance for that final 10th of a second that makes the difference between victory and defeat. Furutech builds each and every cable in their line the same way; optimized engineering solutions applied to advanced materials and processes, backed by utterly meticulous build quality.
The beautifully finished precision machined nonmagnetic stainless steel base and top modules are girdled by a layer of damping carbon fiber. The bottom surface is covered with 16 concentric cushioning grooves made of an extremely effective Piezo Electric damping material.
The Piezo Effect and Your Valued LPs
Furutech’s Pure Transmission Piezo Ceramic Carbon series products--like the Innovations award-winning FI-50 connector series--feature a remarkable “active system” construction. We create a unique material with two “active” materials: Nano-sized ceramic particles and powdered carbon. Only nano-sized ceramic particles effectively couples with carbon powder for the piezo effect to occur. Nylon and fiberglass are incorporated into the construction as well, and the whole forms an extremely effective mechanically and electrically damped material. That’s not a misprint; it’s electrically damped as well.
Piezoelectric effects are the key. Furutech’s employs these nano-sized polycrystalline ferroelectric ceramic particles exhibiting electro-generative properties (mechanical pressure creates an electrical charge) with carbon powder that exhibits thermal-conductive characteristics that interacts with the electrically charged ferro-ceramic particles converting their energy into heat that’s conducted away and released from the surface of the material and in doing so making the connection between electrical and mechanical oscillation. The mechanical and electrical damping effects occur while “interconverting” thermal, mechanical, and electrical energy acting as the perfect weighted surface for your LPs.
That’s how far Furutech goes to achieve Pure Transmission LP playback, and the Monza.

Furutech DeStat

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Ultimate Performance DeStat - $460.00
Ultimate Performance • Ultimate Refinement • Ultimate Luxury
The handheld DeStat is incredibly easy to use as it removes dust and static charge from audio/ video media in just one 10 second treatment. High performance enthusiasts know that static charges on analog and optical media -- LPs, CDs and DVDs – can lead to distracting noise and compromised sound. Simply hold the Destat over your media of choice and press one button!
The powerful fan removes dust while the Destat’s Balanced Ion Flow Generator – releasing just the right balance of positive and negative ions – eliminates static.
Almost every system component benefits from eliminating its static charge. Use the Destat to remove static from the audio/video equipment itself – best to turn them off during treatment – plus power cords, line-level interconnects, speaker cables, and metal record clamps! Some household items may even benefit from static charge removal.
The Destat is small and efficient, runs on four AA batteries and is easily used with one hand. Each dust and static removal takes a mere 10 seconds. And there’s a safety circuit preventing shock from the Balanced Ion Flow Generator.
“… It really worked as promised removing static cling”
“… deStat does the job in grand style, and will probably last as long as you can buy batteries”
-- Michael Fremer Stereophile October 2007
“…The Furutech deStat turned out to be a piece of tremendous value and it'll take permanent residence next to my turntable”
-- John Potis 6moons October 2007
“…I can’t imagine living without it now that I’ve heard the improvement it can bring.”
-- John Crossett Soundstage September 2007

Furutech SK-II Electrostatic Brush

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SK-II Electrostatic Brush - $149.00
Ultimate Performance • Ultimate Refinement • Ultimate Luxury
now that by removing electrostatic charge from audio and visual media a great improvement in sound and picture quality can be realized. But until now removing electrostatic charge has always been a costly exercise, both in time and money. Developed by SFC of Japan, the patented electrostatic brush SK-II has arrived brought to you by Furutech.
This revolutionary product, so simple to use, will change your listening or viewing experience for good. See and hear a difference can be realized in minutes. Experience what the product that has become such a great hit among Japanese high-end audio and home theater fans.
Now Furutech brings this incredible product to audio and home theater lovers of the world.
The SK-II uses only the finest goat hair. Hard to come by and extremely soft, the goats hair used on the SK-II is perfect for cleaning dust out of those precious LPs and will not leave the slightest mark on CDs, DVD or projector lenses. Very portable, easy to use and comes with a clear plastic cover to keep the bristles of the brush well protected.
As all audio and visual fans know the more we use our CD/SACD/DVD/DVD-Audio disks, the more dust and fingerprints are left on the surface of the disks. Using disk cleaners, we wash and wipe them with cloths, but in doing so we inadvertently electro statically charge our media. Not to mention the resulting static charge from the simple action of removing them from their protective cases or covers. In the case of CDs 500~1,500V of frictional static electricity and ten times that for LPs, 3,000~20,000V.
When disk media is played in the statically charged state, generally sounds are clouded, vowel sounds become thin and lower range sounds cannot be heard to their full potential.
With regards to LPs the adding to the scratch noises, the noise from the sparks caused by static charge can be heard through the speakers during pick up.
By using the SK-II and lightly brushing the surface of LPs, CDs or DVDs in a circular motion, the sound quality of LPs and CDs will be improved and the image quality on DVD replay will also improve.
The reliability and effectiveness of the SK-II’s ability to remove static charge is well known to and used exclusively by the meticulous Japanese Police Force in their crime scene investigations, brushing away the aluminum particles to reveal fingerprints. The SK-II is their trusted choice.
And now the SK-II is sure to become an indispensable item for all audio and AV fans.
Furutech DF-2 LP Flattener

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DF-2 LP Flattener - $2550.00
(DF-2 115v)
DF-2 LP Flattener - $2550.00
(DF-2 230v European)
Ultimate Performance • Ultimate Refinement • Ultimate Luxury
Every vinyl enthusiast has records in their collection, or come across LPs they’d love to own, but were just too warped for any cartridge/arm to track. The DF-2 the one-stop, one-button solution to your problems! The DF-2 provides controlled-heat perfect flattening for all your warped records, even those with only slight irregularities just enough to unsettle your cartridge and cause mistracking.
Warps And Listening
Warps are bad news no matter how you look at it. If the arm/cartridge remains parallel to the LP’s surface as with a flat record, VTA (Vertical Tracking Angle) remains unchanged throughout every rotation. Additionally, as the arm/cartridge tracks a warp on its upside, it places greater pressure on the stylus which changes VTF (Vertical Tracking Force) until the peak of the warp, whereupon the cartridge becomes “unloaded” with too little VTF on the way down.
Of course, all this muddles the sound, changing the tonal quality, imaging and soundstage characteristics of the cartridge. A flat record also tracks better with less distortion.
The DF-2 doesn’t take up much room with its space-saving, vertical storage design. Improved film heating technology optimizes the entire heating and cooling cycle for a perfectly flat LP that your cartridge – and you – will love! Just lay the DF-2 flat, open and place the LP on the guides, close and tap a single button! An LCD keeps you informed of progress with a tone sounding when done.
The DF-2 is an upgraded version of the original DFV-1.

“Furutech applies scientific methodologies, perfectly sane engineering and pretty
fanatical execution to all of its products.”
-- Srajan Ebaen, 6moons.com
“… After a session with the DFV-1, it was flat”
“… I found the DFV-1 Disc Flattener effective for banishing warps from LPs”
-- Michael Fremer, Stereophile October 2007
“…The Furutech DFV-1 performed exactly as advertised and I can say that I wouldn‘t change a thing about it”
-- John Potis, 6moons October 2007
“…The DFV-1 flattened any warped LP I threw at, no matter the weight or warping, and did so without damaging the LP in any way I could see or hear”
-- John Crossett, Soundstage September 2007

Furutech DeMag

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DeMag - $2715.00
(DeMag 110v)
Demagnetization Isn’t Just For Optical Media Anymore!
The deMag works for disc media as well as cables, connectors, and power cords! No part of the playback chain should be disturbed by resolution-sapping magnetic interference.
Demagnetizing LPs
How can an LP be magnetized? It’s plastic!
The fact is that pigment added to the plastic during the manufacturing process is the culprit. The minute amount of ferrous material in the pigment causes LPs to become magnetized. Testing at the Tokyo Nanotechnology center with a IHI Gauss meter showed that after an LP was treated with the deMag the magnetic field of the LP was lowered from 620~630 nT to 572~582 nT (nanotesla: a unit of magnetic field strength,1 Tesla = 10,000 gauss)
Demagnetizing Cables
Electric current generates a magnetic field as it flows through a power cord or conductor. However, magnetic impurities within the materials themselves become magnetized and introduce further magnetic distortion. Just loop your cables and power cords with their connectors on the deMag and begin treatment.
No matter how valuable or expensive your system is, the only way to achieve top performance is by demagnetizing your problems away! There are no other demagnetizers on the market that can be used in such a versatile and effective way. The deMag Demagnetizer can even be used on metal-based accessories like CD stabilizers or speaker terminals.
"... demagnetizing an LP definitively removed a high-frequency glaze or glare and seemed to enrich the midband... Demagnetizing LPs works. And do not try one of these devices unless you're prepared to buy it."
--Michael Fremer, Stereophile
• Dimension: 487mm/19” W × 68mm/2.7” H (without spikes) × 470mm/18.5” D
• Net Weight: 11.0Kgs/24lbs
• Rating: 110VAC ±15V (USA)
• Rating: 230VAC ±10V (Europe)
Licensed by Sekiguchi Machine Sales Ltd.

Tonearm Cables & Accessories
