Demystifying Cable Performance
The many claims about cable and interconnect performance makes it hard on enthusiasts who just want a wideband, low-noise, harmonic and dynamic presentation. Furutech’s Pure Transmission Technology Engineers are devoted to eliminating common problems in each and every element of power and signal transmission – especially magnetic and EMI (Electro Magnetic Interference) distortion.
For example, all metal parts go through Furutech’s 2-Stage α Alpha Super Cryogenic and Demagnetizing Process before assembly. The Earth/Ground Jumper System neutralizes magnetic fields around the screws holding power connectors closed so they don't interfere with the larger magnetic field around the power cord!
All Conductors Are Not Created Equal

TPC (Tough Pitch Copper) is basic copper wire conductor typically found in power cords and inexpensive audio cables. Drawing melted, electrolyzed copper through a series of dies, the conductor is cooled to size. Tough pitch copper melted and cooled in “open air” carries about 300~500ppm of oxygen.
OFC (Oxygen Free Copper) conductor is processed in an oxygen-free, inert-gas environment, and its 10ppm of oxygen content is a significant improvement over TPC. OFC conductivity is 0.5% to 2% greater than TPC as a result.
μ-OFC (Annealed Oxygen Free Copper) is manufactured by precisely controlling time and temperature constants in an oxygen-free, inert gas environment to reduce the formation of crystal grain structures.
α Alpha-OCC or PCOCC (Pure Copper Ohno Continuous Casting) Furutech introduced Furukawa Electric cables to the market in 1988, the first PCOCC A/V cables and interconnects featuring high purity single-crystal oxygen-free copper. Ohno Continuous Casting(OCC), invented by Professor Ohno at The Chiba Institute of Technology in Japan, yields extremely pure copper conductors. Furutech engineers have applied themselves to continued improvement in every aspect of signal and power transfer, resulting in our own state-of-the-art α Alpha-OCC conductor material.
A high temperature heated mold produces mono or single crystal ultra pure copper wire with insignificant traces of oxygen and hydrogen, reducing the ratio of stress to strain within the wire. Since Ohno Continuous Casting produces a flexible wire, a higher specific gravity and higher “Q”, its mechanical isolation and resistance to electromagnetically-induced vibration is excellent. Furutech α Alpha-OCC monocrystal wire has no crystal grain boundaries within the conductor to interfere with signal flow with the lowest distortion factor of any cables available!!!
Our α Alpha-OCC is the only OCC featuring Furutech’s 2-Stage Cryogenic and Demagnetizing α Alpha Process, resulting in high performance cables at all our price points.

Copper Ingot Properties

Crystal Grain Comparison

Conductor Insulation
The most popular insulation materials are PVC (polyvinyl chloride) and LDPE (low-density polyethylene). You’ll find PVC in commercial low-voltage applications of 600V or less. LDPE, with its improved dielectric characteristic, is preferred for high-voltage power applications, as well as video and digital cables.
FEP (Teflon) and PP (polypropylene) are also used as insulation material. Teflon has excellent dielectric characteristics along with superior heat resistance. That’s helpful when you consider the insulation is applied at extrusion temperatures of about 400 to 500 degrees centigrade.
PP (polypropylene) is a pure, stable material with excellent insulation characteristics, including its dielectric constant. PP also exhibits better mechanical isolation from vibration and it’s Furutech’s favored insulation for speaker cables and line-level interconnects.
The efficiency of the insulation’s dielectric constant determines the signal transmission velocity. All Furutech cables and interconnects are engineered for low dielectric loss and stable frequency response throughout the audio spectrum.
Furutech Floating Field Damper System

α Alpha Process

"The result of all this engineering is sound with a greater sense of power, dynamics and resolution... with cleaner, blacker backgrounds and a larger, more stable soundstage... with vivid tonal colors and deeper extension at both ends of the frequency range."
"Our cables allow tv/video displays of all types to show greater, sharper resolution with less ghosting, color shift, “snow”, or vertical and horizontal lines."
If you love your music... if you love your music even more when it is reproduced to the highest sonic level possible...
Unleash its full potential with MaXimus!!!
