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ViaBlue RCA to 3.5mm

RCA to 3.5mm Phono Analogue Interconnects

ViaBlue RCA to 3.5mm ViaBlue RCA to 3.5mm ViaBlue RCA to 3.5mm

High-End NF-S1 Silver Quattro Analogue Audio Cable

ViaBlue™ NF-S1 Silver Quattro Analogue high-end audio cable yields music with faithful reproduction at all frequencies. The sound is completely linear and undistorted. The silver-plating of both screens makes it possible to perceive even the most subtle musical variations in the high-frequency range with hi-fidelity. The goal is to play back music the same way it was recorded - without any distortion. NF-S1 performs this task exceptionally well.

Pure High-Tech   Dual-Core   Two Silverings   Four Screenings

The balanced construction has two inner tin-plated 0.5 mm2 copper wires with 19 individual strands (19 x 0.185 mm) and polyethylene insulation. Two twisted PVC insulators are used as fillers. The Quattro Silver Shield multiple screening has two ALU-PETP films and two silver-plated spiral wrap screens running in opposite directions with fine 0.15 mm strands. There is a felt layer between the screen and the outer cladding to protect the outer silver screen. NF-S1 has an outside diameter of 8 mm.

Terminated with T6s RCA & 3.5mm Phono Connectors

NF-S1 RCA-PHONO cables are assembled with ViaBlue™ T6s RCA and T6s phono connectors that both have pins made of bronze. They ensure extremely strong contact pressure and thus very low contact resistance. The NF-S1 cables are braided with the ViaBlue™ Cobra protective sleeve. NF-S1 interconnects are available as mono and stereo cables. The function is identical. With the mono version you get one pair of two single cables. The stereo version has the two single cables in one sleeving so it's more comfortable to handle when you got many cables.

Conductor• 50 pF/M  Screen • 100 pF/M    Diameter • 8mm

Screenings• 4(2x Spiral Screen - 2x Foil Screen)

ViaBlue RCA to 3.5mm

Stereo RCA to 3.5mm Phono
NF-S1 Silver Quattro

ViaBlue RCA to 3.5mm ViaBlue RCA to 3.5mm ViaBlue RCA to 3.5mm

ViaBlue RCA to 3.5mm ViaBlue RCA to 3.5mm ViaBlue RCA to 3.5mm

Stereo Interconnect Cable (1pc) Meter USD
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NF-S1 Silver Quattro/T6s RCA to 3.5mm Phono Connectors 24K Gold 1.0 M $219.00
Aphrodite Cu29
NF-S1 Silver Quattro/T6s RCA to 3.5mm Phono Connectors 24K Gold 2.5 M $239.00
Aphrodite Cu29
NF-S1 Silver Quattro/T6s RCA to 3.5mm Phono Connectors 24K Gold 5.0 M $269.00
Aphrodite Cu29
NF-S1 Silver Quattro/T6s RCA to 3.5mm Phono Connectors 24K Gold 8.0 M $299.00
Aphrodite Cu29
NF-S1 Silver Quattro/T6s RCA to 3.5mm Phono Connectors 24K Gold 15.0 M $369.00
Aphrodite Cu29

ViaBlue RCA to 3.5mm

RCA to 3.5mm Phono Analogue Interconnects

ViaBlue RCA to 3.5mm     ViaBlue RCA to 3.5mm     ViaBlue RCA to 3.5mm